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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Surgery Improved My Quality of Life!
  • 2023-10-26 hit.13,627
  • Writer : Suh*******

Why I Got Surgery
My facial asymmetry and lantern jaw had made me insecure from a young age. I thought that this could be fixed through orthodontic treatment, so I went in for a consultation with an orthodontist. There, I was told that should have double jaw surgery first because the roots of my teeth were short. Upon hearing this, I decided to undergo double jaw surgery. ​

Why I Chose EU 
While I was looking into double jaw surgery, I was fulfilling my military service. I stumbled upon the EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery on YouTube by chance and went to EU for a consultation at the same time I was discharged from the military. Although I was nervous at first, the doctor's friendliness during the consultation earned my trust and led me to choose EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 

Day 1 
I'm completely out of my mind. Also, I was a little scared since I couldn't feel sensations on my entire face. 

Day 2 
Every time I look in the mirror, I'm not sure if the reflection is really me. If only the time could go by quickly... 

Day 3 
I think my face has gotten more swollen... hehe. Supposedly it becomes difficult to breathe after double jaw surgery, but I think I'm having a harder time with the swelling than the breathing. 

Day 4
It's only Day 4. I'm not thinking about the time going by. I hope the one-month mark after surgery will come quickly. 

Day 5
I had an electrolyte beverage and castella sponge cake because I was starving. It tasted better than I thought. I also gained hope from seeing the swelling in my lips somewhat dissipate.

Day 7
Today, I had my surgical site disinfected and the deswelling laser treatment at the clinic. I can't wait for my stitches to be removed next week! 

Day 14
I had my stitches removed when I visited the clinic today. All of the reviews I read mentioned it being painful, but it didn't hurt at all. Now that I have been wearing the wafer for 2 weeks, I think I can say that time is the solution to everything. If only the one-month mark could come sooner..!!

1 Month Post-Op 
Now that I've got the approval to start chewing soft foods, I had ramyeon as soon as I got home. It wasn't as easy to chew as I expected and uncomfortable to eat, but the thought of being able to start eating more foods, albeit gradually, is getting me excited. As for the swelling, it's hit a plateau, so I can't see reductions in the swelling anymore. Regardless, I think having had the surgery was an excellent choice since my lantern jaw has disappeared.

2 Months Post-Op
I'm capable of eating most foods at this point. The majority of the swelling has gone down as well, and only the residual swelling remains. My friends whom I hadn't seen in some time didn't know I had surgery but thought I had lost weight. I think my surgery was a huge success. Hopefully, the remaining residual swelling will dissipate quickly. The braces have been really uncomfortable these days. 

3 Months Post-Op 
Nowadays, there is no discomfort from the double jaw surgery, and I think having undergone the surgery was a great decision. If there's anything bothering me, the braces are uncomfortable, but I'm very satisfied with everything else, so I still think it was a good choice. I couldn't imagine being able to chew radish kimchi after double jaw surgery, but I'm glad I'm at the point where I can eat it! The area around my cheekbones looks full, so I hope the residual swelling completely goes down soon.  

6 Months Post-Op 
Six months have passed since my surgery. Now I'm able to eat hamburgers, and there are no foods I can't have. As my facial asymmetry has mostly disappeared, my self-esteem has gone up when I'm having my pictures taken. I can feel that my face has definitely gotten smaller. Right now I'm receiving orthodontic treatment, and I can't help but think about wanting to get my braces off... I'm incredibly satisfied and doing well. It's not noticeable that I have undergone surgery since my friends I haven't seen in a while aren't able to recognize me. I'm very glad my surgery was a success. 

9 Months Post-Op
Nine months have already gone by since my double jaw surgery. Nowadays, I'm not experiencing any discomfort. I don't know if it's because I had double jaw surgery or if I was already good-looking, but everyone has been complimenting me that I have become more handsome. Having the surgery was an excellent decision, even though I would be even happier if I didn't have braces. If I were to go back in time to before the double jaw surgery, I would choose to have double jaw surgery again! 

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